Friday, January 19, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell Attacks American Idol For "Bush Baby" Remark

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Rosie O'Donnell has opened her mouth again and is now bashing 'American Idol'. Rosie O'Donnell, who seems to have a problem with everyone but herself, hit out at 'American Idol's much loved judges, Simon, Paula and Randy, on 'The View' Thursday morning.

Rosie is known for sticking her nose in everyone else's business but her own, and this includes America's favorite show - 'American Idol'.

Rosie grumbled, "If you keep serving people crap, they're eventually going to think it's a meal."

"Three probably intoxicated. So sad."

Rosie's latest complaint comes after 32M Americans watched the debut episodes of the new season of 'Idol'. Rosie's anger came about when she saw Simon make fun of contestant Kenneth Briggs, who did not win a gold ticket, by telling him he looked like a monkey.

Simon told cynical Briggs, "You look like one of those creatures in the jungle with those massive eyes, what are they called? Bush baby."

Rosie fumed, "To make fun of someone's physical appearance, is this what America thinks is entertainment?"