Sunday, August 14, 2005

American Idol - hiding the truth

There are two things to be said. Did Corey make-up the story of him and Paula? Or are they hiding it? It may be in their best interest to hide the truth. They may feel American Idol may lose it's edge if Paula goes. Or, they may feel the controversy will added to next seasons viewing.

They are looking to make the next American Idol the biggest ever. Wouldn't this help them? Won't it be fun to see if Paula take to another contestant? You know she won't. But, FOX may try to lead us to believe their might. American Idol would "Jump the Shark" if Paula were to go. So, that is why..even if she was found guilty FOX won't tell us.

May be good if they found nothing. But, I bet you if the FOX series ever needs a push... I bet they all of a sudden something is found out.