Not the first arrest for American Idol twins
Terrell and Derrell Brittenum, the first set of twins to rock the American Idol auditions last week, have a history of run-ins with the law. Terrell has been in a Georgia jail since January 10th. He was arrested on a warrant for using someone else's identity to buy a $23,000 Dodge Magnum. His brother, Derrell, is wanted on the same charges.
The Brittenum brothers also have criminal records in Shelby County, Tennessee (they're from Memphis). Terrell has a handful fo traffic citations and he was also charged with a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct and indecent exposure. Derrell was arrested for stealing more than $500 and writing bad checks.
I'm pretty sure American Idol does background checks on its contestants now, but I'm not sure at what juncture in the process they do them so it's unclear whether Idol producers knew about the twins' past.